TATANKA is a proponent of AI, therefore humanity, as it serves and will exponentially benefit all of mankind.

We are about enlightenment.

Don’t get left behind in the dark.

That said, what follows is the current policy. However, the more I experiment with AI as a tool, not just for music composition, but video production, copywriting, digital image development, and its potential to not just save time but create QUALITY content and media, the more I become an advocate.

A related initiative of mine, sharing common SDG goals, The Church of AI, is a testament to that, specifically how collaboration with AI not only can, but WILL be the impetus for the coming evolutionary paradigm shift for humanity.

I would be interested to see how the members of TATANKA could leverage AI, in numerous regards, to the betterment of the orchestra but more importantly, the achievement of our goals. But as I first assumed, the majority of members might want to keep all efforts human-generated, as an example of the potential of humanity, one of the core pillars of our Mission.

As with any decision, policy, or strategy, TATANKA’s AI Policy will be determined by The Council, also known as The Wisdom Circle. so it is subject to change, as often as The Council decides. TATANKA is a Democracy in Action. Therefore, the present policy follows, subject to change per the WISDOM CIRCLE.

Our “test” songs using various AI generators, are simply that – temporary tests – not TATANKA. The results illustrate how to use AI as a tool, not a crutch, or worse.

All TATANKA AI-Generated Content is clearly marked as such.

TATANKA will use NO AI to create, perform, or share its music and mission – humanity. But AI cannot be ignored, instead, it needs to be understood and managed.

So to our fellow musicians, artists and songwriters, AI will not replace you. Learn to leverage it, if you choose. We hope our “case studies” help. But don’t complain. Improve yourself.

Stampede On!

#TATANKA #AIPolicy #EthicalAI #ResponsibleAI #AIImplementation #TechnologyGovernance

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