Wardruna, the Band that Resurrects the Viking Spirit

Wardruna, the Band that Resurrects the Viking Spirit

At the core of Wardruna’s ethos is the commitment to fostering new growth while fortifying ancient Nordic European traditions. This vision, conceived in 2009 by main composer Einar Selvik, Lindy-Fay Hella, and former member Gaahl, materialized through the creation of the Runaljod trilogy.

World Music from The Past, Present, and Future of Humanity: Kedmah’s New Album Celebrates Mizrahi Jewish Music

World Music from The Past, Present, and Future of Humanity: Kedmah's New Album Celebrates Mizrahi Jewish Music

‘Simu Lev,’ the debut album by Kedmah, is a vibrant celebration of Mizrahi Jewish music, inviting listeners to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of cultural heritage and communal spirit.

Dadawah’s Peace And Love Reissued and Expanded

Dadawah’s Peace And Love Reissued and Expanded

The essential Jamaican music album Peace And Love by Dadawah is back with a bang! Dive into the mesmerizing world of reggae with this reissued and expanded version that includes 19 previously unreleased tracks. Let’s explore the magic of this iconic album.

Ali Doğan Gönültaş Reveals ‘Hespî Degdî,’ the first single of his new album

Ali Doğan Gönültaş Reveals ‘Hespî Degdî,’ the first single of his new album

Ali Doğan Gönültaş, the talented musician known for his rich cultural influences and mesmerizing melodies, has recently unveiled the first single from his upcoming album. ‘Hespî Degdî’ promises to captivate listeners with its unique blend of Kurdish and world music elements.

Why TATANKA will be an ideal Reality, Non-Scripted Program 🦬 📺 💻🎭🎤🎶👁️‍🗨️☯🌍

Why TATANKA will be an ideal Reality, Non-Scripted Program

NETFLIX has recognized the popularity and profitability of reality productions. “TATANKA” has the potential to be a successful reality program due to its cost-effectiveness, inclusivity, and international element. Reality shows generate buzz and create water-cooler moments, leading to increased Social Media Engagement and word-of-mouth promotion. With a 24/7 and episodic reality stream with cast/band members from multiple international locations, it has the opportunity to provide viewers with a glimpse into the lives and experiences of people from around the globe. Additionally, music-themed reality programs are poised to make a strong comeback.

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